Sunday, February 24, 2013

Fix 7-8

Wholehearted Participation

                Depending on the level and the quests, I have experiences an increase interest in the game the settlers.  I find it enthusiastic when you complete your quests and level up.  But when you’re stuck in a level and can’t get past certain quests it makes it complicated to want to play the game.  The reason for the enthusiasm or interest is because you have a feeling of accomplishment when you complete the quests and move on.  McGonigal states that as game developers are increasingly starting to push the limits of how much a game can affect our real lives, the concept of alternative reality is becoming more and more central to discussions about future of games. It’s helping to promote the idea that game technologies can be used to organize real-world activity.  Most importantly, its provoking innovative ideas about how to blend together what we love most about games and what we want most from our real lives. (p. 124-125)

Meaningful Rewards

                The most meaningful reward would be completing the quests and leveling up.  It makes the game more enjoyable and easy to play.  The rewards make me feel in control when I am able to complete the quest easily and understand what it is I need to do.  I feel in control when I can get things accomplished.  When I get stuck I feel defeated and frustrated. 

According to McGonigal (2011), games help put people back in control. Real gameplay is always voluntary; it is always an exercise of our own freedom.  Meanwhile, progressing towards goals and getting better at a game instills a sense of power and mastery. (p.149)

Fix 7-8

Wholehearted Participation

                Depending on the level and the quests, I have experiences an increase interest in the game the settlers.  I find it enthusiastic when you complete your quests and level up.  But when you’re stuck in a level and can’t get past certain quests it makes it complicated to want to play the game.  The reason for the enthusiasm or interest is because you have a feeling of accomplishment when you complete the quests and move on.  McGonigal states that as game developers are increasingly starting to push the limits of how much a game can affect our real lives, the concept of alternative reality is becoming more and more central to discussions about future of games. It’s helping to promote the idea that game technologies can be used to organize real-world activity.  Most importantly, its provoking innovative ideas about how to blend together what we love most about games and what we want most from our real lives. (p. 124-125)

Meaningful Rewards

                The most meaningful reward would be completing the quests and leveling up.  It makes the game more enjoyable and easy to play.  The rewards make me feel in control when I am able to complete the quest easily and understand what it is I need to do.  I feel in control when I can get things accomplished.  When I get stuck I feel defeated and frustrated. 

According to McGonigal (2011), games help put people back in control. Real gameplay is always voluntary; it is always an exercise of our own freedom.  Meanwhile, progressing towards goals and getting better at a game instills a sense of power and mastery. (p.149)

Fix 7-8

Wholehearted Participation

                Depending on the level and the quests, I have experiences an increase interest in the game the settlers.  I find it enthusiastic when you complete your quests and level up.  But when you’re stuck in a level and can’t get past certain quests it makes it complicated to want to play the game.  The reason for the enthusiasm or interest is because you have a feeling of accomplishment when you complete the quests and move on.  McGonigal states that as game developers are increasingly starting to push the limits of how much a game can affect our real lives, the concept of alternative reality is becoming more and more central to discussions about future of games. It’s helping to promote the idea that game technologies can be used to organize real-world activity.  Most importantly, its provoking innovative ideas about how to blend together what we love most about games and what we want most from our real lives. (p. 124-125)

Meaningful Rewards

                The most meaningful reward would be completing the quests and leveling up.  It makes the game more enjoyable and easy to play.  The rewards make me feel in control when I am able to complete the quest easily and understand what it is I need to do.  I feel in control when I can get things accomplished.  When I get stuck I feel defeated and frustrated. 

According to McGonigal (2011), games help put people back in control. Real gameplay is always voluntary; it is always an exercise of our own freedom.  Meanwhile, progressing towards goals and getting better at a game instills a sense of power and mastery. (p.149)

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Fix 5-6

Despite my technical issues this week, I was able to experience some of the social connectivity that is available in the game.  I feel that it is nice to connect with some of the players that are playing for fun.  I also like how helpful many of them are, especially if you tell them you need help for a class.  I started a conversation with a player that has been playing on the Settlers game for just over a year.  He plays on average 4 hours per day on the game.   I told him I don’t have 4 hours to play the game daily.  He mentioned that he likes playing the game because he gets to chat with people from all over and helps them when needed.  He really enjoys the chat feature of the game.  He calls himself the chatterbox of his guild.  He does his best in the game to help others while succeeding in his quests.  It was nice to meet someone that was so willing to help even though they don’t know you per say.  One of the last things he mentioned was that he does play other games but they are not online.  I feel the social connectivity helps not only with the game but also with life.  Some of the people that play the game may not have many friends but online they can talk to all kinds of people.  You’re not judged online.  It is a sense or feeling of belonging and it doesn’t matter who you are.  According to McGonigal (2011), gamers without a doubt, are reinventing what we think as our daily community infrastructure.  They’re experimenting with new ways to create social capital and their developing habits that provide more social bonding and connectivity than any bowling league ever could. 

The guild I joined is called Pie inc. (PI).  I was looking for a friend outside of classmates and stumbled on two, one that was willing to interview and one that wanted to add me to a guild.  Both were very helpful in areas that I needed. 

I have used the help feature of the game to get assistance in levels or better understanding of what I need to do to complete the quest.  I have found it to be very useful when really wanting to get past a level.  I am okay with the social connectivity; it lets you know that there are people out there that are willing to help or just to talk if needed.  I can see where some people can get too involved in the game and that it takes them away from reality or life. 

An epic or gratifying moment in the game thus far would be to complete the quests and move on to the next levels.  I feel so relieved when all my quests are completed for the level and then I claim my rewards.  It makes you want to keep going when you continue to complete them.  It’s when you hit a hard one or a road block that gets frustrating.    McGonigal (2011) states that games are showing us exactly what we want out of life: more satisfying work, better hope for success, stronger social connectivity and the chance to be a part of something bigger than ourselves.

McGonigal, J. (2011) Reality is broken: why games make us better and how they can change the world.  Penguin Group.   

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Fix 3-4

More Satisfying Work

  1. Leveling Up - describe your process so far of leveling up in the game.

Since, I had to restart my gaming process due to a glitch in the system.  I found that it was easier to build up on levels now that I haven’t hit a wall.  I find following the quests that are needed to level up are getting more complex and time consuming.  As long as you complete the quests needed, it seems as though you can level up easily. 

  1. Clear goals and actionable steps - What are some of the clear goals and specific actionable steps that you have been working towards achieving? Are there any goals or actions that are not quite so clear?

My goal is to fully understand the settler’s game.  At times it seems as though I get the hang of it and then it gives me a quest that I am not to clear on how to complete.  I know that is probably the reason for it but it could give you some more information when needed or a place to look up key terms to understand what is needed to do.  For example: How do I manage to claim new land and build a warehouse.  It doesn’t give you any more description than that. 

According to McGonigal (2011), the best-designed games work feels more productive because it feels more real.  The feedback comes stronger and faster, and the impact is more visible and vivid.  With that said, I agree that the more graphic the more entertaining but I also think it depends on the type of game also. 


Better Hope of Success


  1. Feedback - What kinds of feedback does the game use to give you a sense of control and desire to succeed?

The game gives you rewards for completing a quest, leveling up and logging in everyday.  It does fill a sense of success because you know you are doing it correctly.  I tend to want to keep playing when I get to continue and receive the awards.  It’s when I get stuck that I don’t feel as successful or have the complete control of the game. 

  1. Mastery - What has been your process of learning been like in the game? How has it given you the hope of success?

The process of learning the Settlers game has been filled with mixed emotions.  I feel great when I get to move along learning the quests and earning the awards or rewards.  I get very frustrated when I get stuck.  It gives me a sense of success when I pass the levels and when I feel as if I have started to understand the game more. 

Bejeweled or Tetris is more of my kind of games to play.  Its more problem solving and they are easier.  The rewards or leveling up seems to be easier.  The only problem is depending on the type of game you can save your results or level.  McGonigal (2011) stated that in many cases, hope of success is more exciting than success itself.  Success is pleasurable, but it leaves us at a loss for something interesting to do.  If we fail, and if we can try again, then we still have a mission. 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Fix 1-2

McGonigal (2011) states that Gamers don’t want to game the system.  Gamers want to play the game.  They want to explore, learn and improve.  They’re volunteering for unnecessary hard work and they genuinely care about the outcome of their efforts. 

 Settlers is a game that is played online.  The goal of the game is to complete quests that are given, build a settlement, which produced products and increase your ability level.  In the game, you have to complete quests that given.  The quests that are given have to be completed in a certain order or you will not receive your reward.  The rewards are needed to increase productivity, level in the game, and products that are needed.  It limits how much of a product you can make or store at one time.  It makes you want to continue do the quest so that you can increase your rewards and build your level.  It’s frustrating when you get to a point that you don’t know how to get beyond in order to complete a quest.  There are areas that it does explain how to complete the quests completely.  In the quest screen it checks off which part of the quest you have completed and what still needs to be done in order to get the reward.  The simple steps to complete the goal are what make it achievable.  But when it makes you take an extra step that you don’t know how to complete it doesn’t seem possible.  Being able to share products and knowledge establishes common ground. 

         In my opinion, I feel the game takes a slow pace at times, especially when you’re stuck in a spot that you can’t get out of.  People have tried to help but I still don’t understand what to do.  I am playing slowly at the moment until I get the hang of the game.  I feel as though I just get the hang of it and then something changes or is needed to complete a quest that I don’t know how to do and I don’t know where to find the information.
        The reward I get from this game thus far is satisfaction of completing the quest given.  Also getting the rewards for completing the quest is satisfying and feels as though you are getting somewhere.    Some negative consequences would be being too involved in the game.  As in making the game your life and not wanting to do anything else but play it.    According to the Early Morning Show video, Gaming addiction can lead to depression, social phobia, poor grades, childhood obesity and dementia. From an excessive use of video games, which is above 21 hours a week. 
         Mcgonigal (2011) states we only ever play (games) because we want to.  Games don’t fuel our appetite for extrinsic reward: they don’t pay us, they don’t advance our careers, and they don’t help us accumulate luxury goods.  Instead, games enrich us with intrinsic rewards.  They actively engage us in satisfying work that we have the chance to be successful at.  They give us highly structured way to spend time and build bonds with people we like. 

The reward I get from this game thus far is satisfaction of completing the quest given.  Also getting the rewards for completing the quest is satisfying and feels as though you are getting somewhere.    Some negative consequences would be being too involved in the game.  As in making the game your life and not wanting to do anything else but play it.    According to the Early Morning Show video, Gaming addiction can lead to depression, social phobia, poor grades, childhood obesity and dementia. From an excessive use of video games, which is above 21 hours a week?